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NYC Midnight’s 2024 Flash Fiction Challenge

And here we go again!

It’s Round 2 of the 2024 Flash Fiction Challenge!

3,651 writers are participating in 90 groups, with approximately 36 writers per group.

I’m coming into the contest from Round 1 with just four points after landing 12th place in my cohort with my flash fiction story, Skyward Horizons 424. Four points are better than no points, but it’s the lower-end of the scoring range.

This time, I received the following prompts: Fantasy, A Fishing Tackle Shop, and a Raft.

My story, Bottomfeeder, occurs around 1910 in and around Louisiana’s Cane River Bayou. Levi aids his brother, Gabriel. Oh, and it also involves a jinxed catfish.

It’s a Hail Mary Play. I’ve got to score as high as possible to stay in the running for the 3rd Round. Let’s see what the judges think of it! Fingers crossed! Results are due sometime around September, I’d imagine.


Well, guys, great news — the gamble paid off!

The story placed Placed #1 in Round 2 Cohort of ~50 stories in NYC Midnight’s
Flash Fiction Challenge 2024. I ended Round 2 with 19 points and will move on to the 3rd Round. I’ll be sitting for the 3rd round this weekend.

I’ll write a more about the story later, but I’m elated!