
Russell Mickler Russell Mickler

Who is Gammond Brandyford?

Character Description

Gammond Brandyford is a lightfoot halfling male in his mid-twenties. I like to say that he’s about as much a halfling as a halfling can be.

Born and raised in Pondaroak in Aymes Parish, he left when he was around seventeen to explore the world.

Gammond is a rogue, a pick-pocket, and he’s severely fearless and foolish. Gammond doesn’t give a crap; he’s a smallfoot sociopath. And maybe a tad divergent?

He’s an adventurer and a journalist; he sends his journals back home where they’re published as volumes of popular stories. He has curly ruddy hair and green eyes, or blue? Depends on the light.

He carries a leather satchel with inkwells and parchment and journals. His satchel plays a big part in nearly every one of his stories.

He has a deep scar on his right arm that was earned from bargaining with goblins.

Gammond has a pal, an animated amulet named Vongur.

“What’s the easiest way to get what I need?”


Gammond Brandyford was a halfling hero in a D&D campaign that I ran between 2013-2018. His stories figured prominently in the campaign and he’s the whole inspiration for Aevalorn Tales. When I write his stories, I’m usually taking a playful voice as a narrator and will occasionally break the 4th wall where I’m speaking directly to the reader. Often I feel like I get into a Douglas Adams headspace with this character. His stories are silly and fun.

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Russell Mickler Russell Mickler

Who is Bartram Humblefoot?

Character Description

A stout halfling male in his late sixties, Bartram Humblefoot is at the far end of middle-aged.

He has wispy gray and walnut blonde hair. Light brown, hazel eyes. He’s pale, taller than most of his peers, and is usually armed with a cheery disposition.

Born and raised in Applegrove Parish and raised with a noble upbringing, Bartram is a Paladin, a Faithful Warrior-Servant of Rillifane Rallathil, the Leaflord. He has taken the Oath of the Ancients.

As the Aevalorn Parishes have no standing army of their own, Bartram has served the Free City of Mumling in Gaelwyn for over fifty years.

Bartram’s gear is humble. He wears a silver oak tree around his neck; he must bear the weight of his family’s signet ring. He wears a simple ringmail shirt - tailored for the human men in the army of Mumling - a thick brown leather belt, gloves, and carries a round steel shield emblazoned with a matte silver oak tree. In battle, he wields a leaf-bladed short sword.

Bartram struggles with the hypocrisy of faith. He is also bothered by the way Man treats the poor. Bartram loves to travel and dislikes the proposition of settling down or retiring. He strives to find the biggest multiplier effect when helping people.

“Is right … always right?”


When I write about Bartram, I’m usually trying to explore a number of concepts: growing old, ageism, sexism, what is holy and devout, and wealth inequality. His stories are usually more serious and I try writing in a more neutral voice. I really enjoy detailing his spirituality, spellcasting, and connection to nature. As I continue to write the character, I’ll actually be traveling back in time and visiting him when he was younger.

Bartram made his first appearance in Aevalorn Tales, and I’m currently writing a long-form story for him titled The Goblet of Bone.

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