The Fractured Lit Elsewhere Prize

The 2023 Elsewhere Prize offers $3,000 and publication to writers to show the forgotten, the hidden, the otherworldly.

The editors want stories to take readers into the familiar strange, or strangely familiar, somewhere elsewhere, between reality and beyond.

My story, Abundance, begins on a snowy, frost-covered morning at a rest stop along the side of a freeway. Exploring themes of houselessness and wealth inequality, the story glimpses at the hidden world of otherworldly visitors who have been here all along.

The deadline for entry is September 17, 2023. They’ll announce the shortlist within ten to twelve weeks of the contest's close.

Updated September 25. Well, the story was rejected by the Elsewhere Prize, but that doesn’t mean I can’t use it … elsewhere. I’ll see where the story takes me!

Russell Mickler

Russell Mickler is a computer consultant in Vancouver, WA, who helps small businesses use technology better.

Year of the Tarot


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