Black Anvil Books

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Submission to Propagule Magazine

Propagule Magazine (a biannual journal of curated stories) writes:

What we are looking for: short stories that are intrepid with regard to experimentation and oddity; the strange, the surreal, the atypical, the unexpected … Please send us pieces that you feel do not fit in anywhere else, or are beyond the pale of any given trend.

Well, heck, that sounds wonderful, and they seem to share a love for semicolons.

I have a perfect story that doesn’t fit a traditional classification. A humorous, surreal story about courtesy and honoring old traditions. I submitted a rewrite of The Ferryman for their consideration.

Super excited! I’ll let you know how it turns out!

December 8th and the editors got back with me and said they couldn’t use the story. That’s too bad. I’ll find somewhere else for it though, I’m sure of it!