Black Anvil Books

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Globe Soup 2024 Primal Fears Horror Contest

Globe Soup has challenged us again! Write a 5,000-word short story on one of six horror genres, including one of twenty different primal fears.

Because of the contest’s rules, I can’t really tell you much other than I got lucky on the ticket and received the genre I wanted. Yay!

It’s sent off! Results, maybe, by May 2024? Those Globe Soup guys are really busy.

Fingers crossed!

The results are in and — poo.

My story, Trespassers in the Garden of Twilight, made the top 30% but wasn’t pushed over the edge to final.

But that’s okay! I received some excellent feedback and will go back and rework the story.

Maybe I can find an outlet to give it new life? Stay tuned!