April 2024 Not Quite Write Flash Fiction Competition

It’s that time again! The Not Quite Write (read: “Australian Open”) started with three new brain-boggling prompts!

Our 500-word story in 48 hours must include the word “DATE;” it must feature the act of choosing something; the anti-prompt was “always use said.”

I love these quirky contests have thrown my hat into the ring. Unfortunately, per their T&C’s, I can’t say a darn thing about it until they announce the winner. Still, I’m excited and hope my story does well. Stay tuned! More coming up soon!

The contest has ended, and my story, Switching Gears, didn’t make the longlist. A shame, but I’ll likely use the work in another contest.

I addressed the anti-prompt by delivering it purely in dialogue without descriptions or dialogue tags.

The meaning of date is two-fold in this work. First, it takes place during a speed date in Portland, Oregon. Second, it takes place on September 11. This date has some relevance to the characters who are non-binary, queer, Ethical Non-Monogomists.

I think it’s a great story that’ll have its day. In the meantime, I’ll play around with it and see if I can sure-up the ending, making it a bit more zippy.

Onward and upward!


Russell Mickler

Russell Mickler is a computer consultant in Vancouver, WA, who helps small businesses use technology better.


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