Black Anvil Books

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Who is Jayleigh Warmhollow?

Character Description

Jayleigh (Jay-LEE), a Halfling of the Parishes, has a talent.

She can hear the songs sung by the land and plants; feel their tenors and vibrations; she communicates with nature through song.

Jayleigh is a young lightfoot Halfling, just twenty-two years old. She was orphaned at an early age due to a fire that took her parents.

She’s a Druid and, following her parent’s death, spent a great deal of time in the Aevalorn Wilds with another halfling character, a ranger named Kindle Muckwalker. Kindle taught her the ways of the Wilds and how to survive.


Jayleigh’s themes concern nature, religion, and superstition. Besides Kindle, I’ve plans to write a story that includes a collaboration between Jayleigh and Skyer Dannon.

When you’re coached on writing, people will tell you to read what you write aloud to hear its cadence. This character is my answer to that problem. Jayleigh’s adventures are about poetry, rhyme, rhythm, and the sounds of nature. When I write these stories, I’m really trying to put my creative descriptions into overdrive; I try to write poems and songs to go along with the narrative.

She first appeared in the short story The Grotesque of Silvanus.