Black Anvil Books

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Author’s Note: Skyer Dannon, Episode 1

On June 20, 2022, I published The Ballad of Skyer Dannon - Episode 1 - “A Good Evening Spoiled” to Wattpad.

So this was my first attempt at self-publishing on Wattpad.

I’d never tried it before. I’m more used to publishing on Amazon and Kindle.

I gotta say that I really enjoyed the author experience more so than Amazon Vella.

The ability to generate tags, the stats and metrics available to authors … the process what a heck of a lot easier than Vella. Wattpad also seems more comprehensive, and there are more tools to engage with the audience. So hey, that’s kind of cool.

This episode came in around 2,000 words and that’s what I’m shooting for in this project. Something easy to read, consumed in about 15-20 minutes, updated once a week, targeting the 25+ fantasy reader, maybe someone who’s got a background in role-playing games like D&D and Pathfinder.

I kinda feel like I have to tell this story as viewed through the lens of other halflings so I created Joliver Barleywood for that purpose. I think I can do a better job talking about Skyer that way. I can interject as a Joliver to provide context, and, gloss over particulars and move the story along. That’s why I went with “The Ballad Of” in the title of the story because it’s a story as related by Joliver.

In order to do that, I figured that I’d have to spend the first episode building out the Pickles’n’Pork setting and introduce Joliver as a narrator.

Okay so why this story?

One, I wanted to shamelessly tap into the whole vampire zeitgeist. Vampires, werewolves - these things seem all the rage with the readers on Amazon and Wattpad so I wanted to create something relevant.

Two, as I write about halflings, I wanted to talk about the unique perspective of this character as it relates to them. Skyer is a very antithetical representation of a halfling. Halflings are pleasant, polite, rotund, full of joy, optimism, interconnectedness, and life; charming 18th century naturalists. Vampires though are really about scarcity, need, hunger, loneliness, sorrow and regret. For me, writing this story is really about trying to create that contrast in the context of halflings, and not about creating a typical vampire story about supernatural power, immortality, and supremacy.

Three, it cross-promotes Aevalorn Tales on Amazon Vella where I can push readers from one platform to another, maybe even get them to sign-up for my mailing list.

Finally, I titled the work “A Good Evening Spoiled” as a play off of the idiom “a good walk spoiled” in reference to golf. I also wanted to convey that Skyer’s story a reluctantly-told story. It’s like, the reader wants vampires and werewolves, at least based on the content that’s viewed on these platforms and, okay, I can do that, but this vampire story isn’t going to be about a murderous teen demigod, or, kinky BDSM soft-porn in the disguise of paranormal fiction. This is going to be a tragedy because losing a halfling to vampirism is something of an awful, tragic rebuke against nature.

Anyhow, thanks for reading! If you’ve got any ideas or suggestions or comments, please write them up in the Wattpad story. I’d love to receive feedback and interact with readers.
