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NYC 500-Word Flash Fiction Challenge

NYC Midnight hosts eight writing challenges throughout the year. Their Flash Fiction Challenge is a 500-word story in 48 hours.

Their contests draw thousands of writers worldwide to participate in a multi-round, scored elimination.

Writers are grouped into cohorts who receive the same prompt.

For the first challenge, my cohort had roughly 40 writers this year, and we received the prompt: drama, someone opening the door for someone else, and a bandana.

My submission for the first round was The Monsters We Know.

The story did well in the first round and received third place in the cohort, allowing me to move on to the second round of the competition.

This story joins Vanessa Vargas outside an elegant hotel preparing to confront her cheating husband. I chose the trope of a cheating spouse to set up the twist. I also wanted to write a story that would speak to the global epidemic of sex trafficking.

I look forward to reading the feedback and writing for the next round!