Black Anvil Books

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Author’s Note: The Knave of Nodderton, Episode 1

On Friday September 23, 2022, I posted the first episode of The Knave of Nodderton on Amazon Vella.

The Knave of Nodderton takes place in a hamlet named Auchenshuggle - and, gods, I love that name - which is a protectorate of the City State of Nodderton. I haven’t written about the coastal City States in Gaelwyn yet so I was looking forward to it.

This is a Gammond Brandyford story but when the episode launches, my full attention is paid to the antagonist, Danros Genolbo, and his misadventures at an inn named the Bird & Rye. Gammond will be brought into the story in episode two. I’m anticipating ten to twelve episodes in this story at about 2,000 words each.

This is also Gammond’s first stand-alone title. I’ve routed most of his stories under Aevalorn Tales on Wattpad.

When I write stories with Gammond, they’re playful and fun and the narrative in this piece reflects that, especially when Danros corrects the grammar of a Lord’s Guard during a confrontation. I’m also borrowing the Palantir trope from The Lord of the Rings, but I can assure you that it’s got my own spin.

If you’ve read the story, you can probably see that there’s something going on with Danros. He has some knowledge, enough for him to know what would happen when the Lord’s Guard drew his sword, and when to dive for cover. As he said, he knows things, but something about him doesn’t quite fit.

I’ve taken this story to Amazon Vella to play a little more with the platform.

It’ll be a fun romp, I think! Thanks for reading …