Black Anvil Books

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Author’s Note: Goblet of Bone - Episode 1

On Saturday August 20, I published the first episode of A Goblet of Bone to Wattpad.

I’ve never been entirely certain about how Wattpad’s algorithm works but it’s apparently number 75 in Fantasy Creatures this week. That’s fun, huh?

It was nice to get started on a new project! Writing Skyer Dannon and submitting the story to the Watty’s was fun, but I am so looking forward to writing without the gloomy-doomy-ness.

The Goblet of Bone continues Bartram’s part of the story in Aevalorn Tales. Bartram has traveled to Brigantia for Captain Sumner’s tribunal.

Chapter one opens with Bartram appearing in the Sage and Rose. This inn appeared frequently in my D&D campaigns - along with the Portly Porpoise from Skyer Dannon’s story.

The name of the innkeeper in my story is Henry Bailey; for those who might recognize a variant of the name, Harry Bailly, that was the name of the Tabard Inn’s host in the Canterbury Tales.

Inspiration for the cat in this episode comes from two cats. The first is a black Maine Coon named Midnight that belongs to my partner, April. Its behaviors, though, are actually from another cat, Rowan, who belongs to my partner Camille. Rowan likes sitting on my head when I sleep. The cat in this story is orange which is my own thing.

Moffins are actually a joke! There’s a breakfast place in Ashland, Oregon called the Morning Glory that makes these huge muffins. There was a typo on their menu, calling them ‘moffins’, and they were huge and I loved the name!

Anyway, it’s fun for me to revisit Bartram and bring some aspects of his character to the surface. Chapter One will be describing the setting and major elements of the story, and reacquaint the reader with various characters. I’ll have more to contribute to chapter one over the next week; I’m looking forward to doing 2,000-word stints again under no deadlines.
